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Dymax Algae Brusher

Dymax Algae Brusher

Regular price $9.95
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Algae Brusher solution is specifically formulated to prevent accumulation of adhesive algae and phytoplankton by dissolving organic matters and promoting a healthier environment for fish and aquatic plants.

Besides being a preventative solution this product could also effectively diminish various algae. For example brush algae; beard algae; thread algae; brown algae; red algae; slime and even sludge.

Algae Brusher is completely harmless to use with aquatic plants if correct dosage is applied.

Directions: Add 10ml (1capful) of solution to every 25L of water. Dissolve with some water before adding directly into the aquarium. Use solution once every 2 days for 3 successions. Make 50% water change after each treatment. Use only for freshwater and plant aquarium. Shake well before use.

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